
Join us to Pray around the Globe
Starting January 2025
Join us as we try to make a prayer lap around the globe!
We have 4,770 "states" made up by geographical and governmental boundaries that include every person alive.
To achieve a full prayer lap around the globe, we ask each participant to pray for several "states" daily. Every Sunday in January, we will give an update in service to see our progress around the world.
Easy ways to join our prayer mission
To pray for one state for one minute, you can:
Click the "Start Praying"
Scan the QR code below to be directed to NCC's prayer lap.
Or visit prayer.global - in the menu on the top right, click "Prayer Relays" and search for Norwin Christian Church.
Once you do this, you will be directed to pray for a "State", with specific prayer prompts, statistics, and a one-minute timer.
Click "done" or "Pray again" once the one-minute timer expires.